Related Pages
- Term Dates
- The School Day and other key information
- Safeguarding
- Safeguarding Resources for Parents/Carers
- Admissions & Pre-School Admissions
- Ofsted and Performance Tables
- E-safety
- Online Safety Posters for Parents/Carers
- Financial information
- Remote education
- Schools for the Future
- Pupil Premium
- Policies
- School Noticeboard
- Sport Premium
The school day and other key information
Please see below a breakdown of times for the start and end of the school day.
Start of the day:
8:30am | Gates open |
8:40am |
Bell on main playground rung and Reception - Year 6 children go to class. Reception - Year 6 wrap around care children go to class |
8:50am |
Pre-School children go to class Pre-School wrap around care children go to class |
8:50am onwards | Late arrivals are to report to the main office to be signed in and taken to class |
9:00am | Gates locked. Late arrivals are to report to the main office to be signed in and taken to class. |
End of the day:
3:20pm |
Pre-School children go home / to wrap around care |
3:30pm |
Reception - Year 6 children go home / to wrap around care |
Collection times are below and again are from the main playground.
Nursery pupils finish at 3.20pm
EYFS to Y6 all finish at 3.30pm.
This means that the typical school week is 32.5 hours.
Morning break is at 10:40 until 11:00 for Years 1 to 6, with Pre-School and Reception having separate snack breaks.
Lunchtime is staggered for different classes. It starts at:
- Lunchtimes are from 11.45 for our youngest pupils with KS1 at 12.00 and KS2 at 12.30.
- There is an SLT briefing in the form of a short address to all children daily, in which we reiterate the values and also talk about the issues or news of the day or week. We also share upcoming events.
All children have an hour for lunch.
We have a school newsletter that is published each week on a Friday via ParentMail, Class Dojo and the school website and contains lots of information about Derwent including upcoming events.
We use ParentMail and Class Dojo as a school to aid communication. These apps can be downloaded to your mobile phone free of charge and help parents keep up-to-date with the school day and any important information.