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Pupil Premium
Derwent Primary School’s Pupil Premium Allocation and Expenditure.
The Pupil Premium is an additional allocation of funding to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible under achievement. It is allocated for children from low income families who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), those who are looked after by the local authority and the children of armed services personnel. This funding is also based on children who have had free school meals within a 6 year period (Ever6)
There are two funds which are run separately - the Pupil Premium fund and the Service Pupil Premium fund. How we allocate resources in school depends on the number of children and benefit of the support based on research evidence. We use the EEF to support this.
The funds are not allocated to individual children but the suppport in school in place has their progress and attainment at the forefront. At Derwent we run a variety of lunchtime pastoral support clubs and we aim to promote the inclusion of pupil premium children in enrichment activities such as choir, sport and in school trips which require parent or carer funding support to run.
Service Pupil Premium Derwent 2024-25
Wrap Around Care for Service Pupil Premium
Holiday activities and food (HAF) programme - please click this link for more information
Updated:February 2024