Related Pages
- Phonics
- Curriculum
- Classes Info
- Class Timetables
- Pre-school class Caterpillars
- Pre-School class Ladybirds
- Reception Class Squirrels
- Reception Class Hedgehogs
- Year 1 Rabbits Class and Hares Class
- Year 2 Ravens and Owls
- Year 3 Mice and Voles
- Year 4 Foxes and Wildcats
- Year 5 Harriers and Kestrels
- Year 6 Hawks
- Music
- Assessment
- Values and Values Education
- Equality Duty
Year 2
Welcome to Ravens and Owls classes.
Hello and welcome to Year 2! Our class teachers are Miss Kell and Miss Pettengell and our teaching assistants are Mrs Jassova and Mrs Amner. Our classroom is bright, well-resourced and learning is always fun and active! We have a designated reading corner and we have a wonderful outdoor space, which is attached to our classroom. We use this to extend our learning, particularly in the spring and summer terms.
We enjoy English, mathematics and Phonics lessons every day and subject lessons at least once each week across the primary range.
We have a PE lesson twice a week, and the timetable will be shared on Class Dojo. Please could children come to school in PE kit on those days, and no brightly coloured leggings or hoodies with logos please. Just black, burgundy or grey according to our school uniform.
The class teacher will share the homework expectations and as the year progresses, spelling and curriculum support will be on here to help.